Welcome everyone to the Whitefriarsorg forum page.

This is a place to share your Whitefriars chat and also upload your treasured collection for all to see. Hope you have fun guys! 

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Terms and Conditions of Use


Your email address and any other personal identifying information that you provide will not, under any circumstances, be distributed to any third party organization. Further, users of this site should not make public the email address of another user without their express permission.

Once you have registered, your email address will be used only to send you our newsletters and/or to alert you to any site event about which you have explicitly requested to be notified (for example, a new post on a particular forum).

For further information, please speak to the Admin.

Use of the Site

The forum, blog and article commenting facilities are expressly for posting and answering relevant technical questions and comments. They must not be used to distribute spam, advertisements or similar messages. We have the right to remove or modify any posts that we feel violate our policies, whether stated, implied or otherwise.


All content and code that appears on whitefriarsorg forum is the view of the poster only and in no way the view of The Admin team. However, use of information obtained from whitefriarsorg forum is at your own risk. Whitefriarsorg forum, its owners, affiliates, partners and contributing authors cannot be held responsible for any damage or problems that arise from using the information on this site.

Occasionally, the site will link to other web sites, over whose content we have no control. Therefore whitefriarsorg and whitefriarsorg forum can accept no liability for the content found on these linked sites. However, we will remove links to material that we feel is inappropriate.


Any information provided on this web site is protected under a copyright held by Chris Woolman Admin. You may refer to this content from books and link to it from other online resources but you may not reproduce or modify it, in whole or in part, without the permission of Chris Woolman Admin. Generally, permission will be granted to reproduce information on the site for personal and non-commercial usage, provided that the original source and copyright is clearly indicated.